Introduction To .Net
Introduction To C# .Net
- Features of C# .Net
- Data Types of C#.net
- Value types and Reference types
- Boxing and Unboxing
- Console Applications and Console Class
- Conditional and Looping Control Statements
- Arrays
- One Dimensional Arrays
- Two Dimensional Arrays
- Jagged Arrays
- Members of Array Class
- Functions
- Pointers
- Structures
- Enumerations
Oriented Programming Structure (OOPS)
- OOPS Features
- Class
- Data Encapsulation
- Data Abstraction
- Object
and Instance
- Inheritance
and Polymorphism
- Access
- Public
- Internal
- Protected
- Protected Internal
- Private
- Creating Classes
- Creating Fields, Properties and Methods in
a class
- Static Members Vs Instance Members
- Constructor and Types of Constructors
- Destructor
- Garbage Collector and Memory Management By
Garbage Collector
- Inheritance
- Method Overloading
- Method Overriding
- Virtual
- Abstract Methods and Abstract Classes
- Polymorphism
- Compile Time and Runtime Polymorphism
- Sealed Methods and Sealed Classes
- Keyword ‘new’ this and ‘base’
- Interfaces
- Operator Overloading
- Delegates
Steps to work with Delegate- Creating a Delegate
- Instantiating a Delegate
- Invoking the Delegate
Types of Delegates
- Single
Cast Delegate
- Multi Cast Delegate
- Generics
- Generic Methods
- Generic Classes
- Partial Classes
- Exception Handling
- Types of Errors
- Structured Exception Handling
- Multithreading
Windows Forms:
- Introduction
- Forms and Controls
- Properties, Methods and Events
- Basic Controls-Button, Label ,Textbox, Check Box, Radio Button,ListBox,Checked List Box, Combo Box,DataTimePicker,Picture Box, Timer
and Progress bar
- Dialog Controls-Open File Dialog, Save File Dialog, Font Dialog and
Color Dialog
- Menus -Menu Strip, Context Menu Strip
- Events and Delegates
- Container Controls-Group Box,Panel,TabContainer and Split Container
- Advanced Controls-Image List, Tree View and List View
- MDI(Multiple document Interface) Applications
Class Libraries and
- Creating Class Libraries and using them
- Assemblies
- What is assembly?
- Types of Assemblies
- Private Assemblies
- Global Assembly Cache(GAC)
- Shared Assemblies
- Satellite Assemblies
- History of Database Technologies By Microsoft
- ADO.Net Data Providers
- SqlClient
- OracleClient
- ADO.Net Architecture
- Disconnected Architecture
- Connected Architecture
- Creating
Connection To various Data Sources
- Examples with Disconnected and Connected Architecture
- Calling Stored Sub Programs using ADO.Net
- Command
- Data Reader
- Inserting,Deleting,Updating Rows
- Data Set
- Data Adapter
- Data Table, Data Row and Data Column
- Stored Procedures
- Command Builder
- Transactions
- XML Integration
- XML Basics
- Role of XML in ADO.NET
- Creating Tables
- System.XML Namespace
- Windows Service
- Crystal Reports
- Deployment
Introductin To Web
- JavaScript
- What is web server and its purpose
- IIS web server and Configuring IIS Web
- What is Virtual Directory and How to create
Introduction To ASP.Net
- What is ASP.Net and How to create ASP.Net
is web pages
- How the Request for an ASP.Net page is
- Request and Response objects
- Page Submission Methods Post and Get
- ASP.Net Page Post Back
Creating ASP.Net Web Pages In visual
studio .net
- How to create ASP.Net website in visual
Studio.net in Page and Code Behind Techniques
- Client Side and Server side controls
- HTML Server Controls and Web Server
Controls Standard Web Server
Button,CheckBoxList,RadioButtonList,Image Link Button, Image
Button,HyperLink,view,Multi view,AdRotator,Calendar and File Upload
- Type s of Validations-Client Side Validations and Server Side
- Validation Controls-Required Field Validator,Compare Validator,Range
Validator,custom Validator,Regular Expression Validator and Validation Summary
- Validation Groups
ADO.Net Data Providers
- Sql Client
- Oracle Client
ADO.Net Architecture
- Disconnected
- Connected Architecture
- Creating Connection to various Data Sources
- Examples with Disconnected and
Connected Architecture
- Calling Stored Sub Programs using ADO.net
- Data Bound Controls of Asp.net
- Gridview
- DataList
- Repeater
- Listview
- FormView
- DetailsView
ASP.NET Worker
Process and Page Life Cycle:
- State Management
- What is State Management
- Client Side State Management Techniques
- Cookies
- Query String Parameters
- View State
- Server Side State Management Techniques
- Session
- Application
- Caching
Security in ASP.Net:
- What is Authentication and Authorization
- Types of Authentication
Master Pages
- Introduction
- Creating Master pages and Content Pages
- Accesing Master Page content from Content
- Dynamic Master Page
- Introduction
- How to create themes and apply them to pages
- Dynamic Themes
- What is AJAX and Advantages of AJAX
- AJAX Components
- AJAX Extensions
- AJAX Control ToolKit
- AJAX Control ToolKit Controls