SAP TREASURY ONLINE TRAINING COURSE CONTENT SAP Treasury IntroductionAudienceThis course is aimed at project team members and Solution Consultants that are responsible for Treasury & Risk Management.ContentOverview and introduction into new functionalities, features and analytics within SAP Treasury and Risk ManagementExposure Management 2.0 for Foreign Currency and Commodity ExposuresCommodity Price Risk HedgingHedging with Commodity Futures and Commodity ForwardsNew Hedge Effectiveness test – Regression AnalysisOverview on SWIFT Correspondence monitor for MT3xx and MT 5xx messages – Automatic matching and confirmationsOverview SWIFT Correspondence monitor for MT3xx messages – Automatic matching and confirmationsTransaction Manager – Money market, Foreign Exchange, Derivatives, SecuritiesCash managementRisk Analyzer1. General Settings in Transaction Manager2. General settingsDefine Company Code additional dataDefine Portfolio>Define Traders3. Assign Factory Calendar4. Define and Assign Accounting codes and Valuation areas5. Initialization of Parallel Valuation AreasDefine and Assign Valuation Classes6. Define Account Determination7. Money Market / Foreign Exchange8. Define Product Types9. Define Number range for Transaction Types10. Define Flow TypesAssign Flow Type to Transaction Type11. Define Calculation Procedure for Derived Flows12. Define Derivation Procedures and RulesDefine Update Types and Assign UsagesAssign Flow Types to Update Types13. Define Correspondence Activities14. Assign General Valuation Class15. SecuritiesDefine Currency UnitsDefine Number Range for Security Classes16. Define Company Code-Dependent Settings for the Product Type17. Assign Flow Type to Transaction TypeDefine Calculation Procedure for Derived Flows18. Define Derivation Procedures and Rules19. Credit Risk Analyzer ( SAP Risk Management)20. Global SettingsDefine Collateral Priority21. Define Collateral Type22. Activate/Deactivate Financial Object Integration23. Derive Default Risk Control Parameters for Money Market transactions24. Activate Integrated Default Risk Limit CheckSAP Treasury Management and Risk Management Configuration